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Found 6782 search results for most terrifying horror movie villains
  • Top 20 Horror Movie Villains – Revealed!
    These Horror villains wouldn't be nearly as iconic without the actors playing them. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most dramatic and effective shifts between horror movie villains and the actors who portray them. Due to the revealing nature of this list, a spoiler alert is in effect.
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  • Top 10 Hilariously Bad Horror Movie Villains
    These horror movie villains are just plain bad. For this list, we’ll be looking at horror villains that made us laugh more than anything else, whether intentionally or not.
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  • Top 10 Horror Movie Villains With the Highest Kill Counts
    These iconic horror movie villains would give death a run for his money in the murder department. For this list, we’ll be looking at the horror villains who have dealt the most death over the course of their films.
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  • Top 10 Craziest Things Horror Movie Villains Survived
    These unkillable baddies definitely know how to take a punch. For this list, we'll be ranking the most absurd and over-the-top death sequences that still failed to put horror movie villains down for good.
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  • Top 10 Horror Movie Villains That Take Zero Damage
    These movie villains aren't indestructible, but it sure seems like it! For this list, we’ll be looking at horror baddies that manage to completely avoid injury.
    horror movie villains that take zero damage, horror movie villains zero damage, horror movie villains, horror villains zero damage, horror villains, movie villains, horror movies, villains, nightmare on elm street, saw, final destination, hellraiser, lake placid, psycho, the strangers, the silence of the lambs, the ring, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies
  • Top 10 Masterminds in Horror Movies
    Nothing is more terrifying than a monster with a plan. For this list, we’ll be looking at horror movie villains who have a master plan and are always one step ahead of everyone else.
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  • Top 10 Horror Movie Villains with Understandable Motivations
    We hate to say it … but we can see where these baddies are coming from. For this list, we’re looking at horror movie villains whose motivations understandable. We’re not saying that they were right to do what they did - just that we get why. Our includes the antagonists of “Carrie” (1976), “Us” (2019), “The Ring” (2002), “The Cabin in the Woods” (2012), “Friday the 13th” (1980), and more!
    horror villains with understandable motivations, horror villains with understandable motives, movie villains with understandable motivations, movie villains with understandable motives, horror movie villains, horror movies, horror villains, movie villains, understandable motives, understandable motivations, the tethered, carrie, the ring, cabin in the woords, saw, slasher movies, slashers, slasher villains, villain motives, Horror, Film, Movies, Zombie, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 Horror Movie Villains that Don't Speak
    Silence may be golden, but it can also be deadly. For this list, we’re looking at silent killers in horror movies, from mute psychos like Michael Myers in the “Halloween” franchise (1978-) and Jason Voorhees in the “Friday the 13th” franchise (1980-), to supernatural monsters such as Valak in “The Conjuring 2” (2016) and the titular villain in “Krampus” (2015). Who do YOU think is the most terrifying silent killer? Let us know in the comments!
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  • Top 10 Scariest Horror Movie Deaths
    These terrifying horror movie deaths left us sleeping with the lights on! Our list includes some of the genre’s bloodiest kills, scariest villains, and most shocking jump scares, with death scenes from “It” (2017), “Scream” (1996), “The Blair Witch Project” (1999), “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” (1974), and more! What horror movie death most scared the bejesus out of YOU? Let us know in the comments!
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  • Top 10 Horror Movie Villains – Revealed!
    We've only seen these Horror Movie Villains in their movies – but don't you wonder what they look like in real life? Behind the scenes? In this video, we are unmasking and revealing the true actors behind some iconic Horror Movie Villains, like Bill Skarsgard in It, Daveigh Chase in The Ring, Robert Englung in A Nightmare on Elm Street and more! Who's transformation into a villain do you think is the most shocknig?
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  • Top 10 Modern Horror Movie Villains
    Move over Freddy and Jason; it's time to give some new creeps the spotlight. From the Lipstick Face Demon, to the Witch, to Annabelle, the 2010s have definitely seen their share of terrifying horror antagonists. WatchMojo ranks the top modern horror movie villains.
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  • Top 10 Scariest Horror Villains of 2023
    The calls are still coming from inside the house! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the horror movie villains of 2023 that were pure nightmare fuel. This list does contain spoilers, so beware!
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  • Top 20 Horror Movie Villain Weaknesses
    Villains always have their Kryptonite! For this list, we’re looking at the most distinct and iconic weakness of well-known horror movie villains.
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  • Top 10 Times Horror Villains Actually Did Something Nice
    Whether it was a brief moment of kindness or simply deciding not to kill someone, these characters proved that even the most homicidal among us can have a heart. For this list, we’ll be looking at moments when our favorite horror movie villains showed us their softer side.
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  • Top 10 Times Horror Movie Villains Went Beast Mode
    These horror villains held nothing back! For this list, we’ll be looking at scenes in horror films in which the villain pulled out all the stops and just let loose.
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